Flash of unstyled content while loading page Why is it happening? Currently, your configuration tells slides to put styles at the bottom of the page, which means...
Why my website loads too slow? There are many reasons why the website might load longer than usual. Here are few of them: – hosting speed...
Where can I get designer resources? You can download the Figma files from this link here: https://designmodo.com/slides/resources/ If you’re using Slides 3 – check these links:...
Migrating from Slides 4 to Slides 5 The major issue would be the fonts and typography. It’s all manual work, unfortunately. I would suggest you make a...
Can You Create a Website for Me? We should say that we don’t create custom websites for clients, we only make products, that could help you to...
How can I add my custom CSS? You can copy and paste the styles above into the custom.css file, which you can find in the css folder of your Slides project...
Has Slides any E-commerce integrations? Slides can only provide you with the template, that you can integrate with any other platform you want, including e-commerce...
How to Customize Images on Your Slides Website The Slides template comes with some placeholder images that you can replace and customize according to your brand. This guide will show...
How does Slides work? The Generator App is an online app that will export for you a ready-made template, that you can download to...
How to create a button? You can easily create a button with the following html code: <a href="https://google.com" class="button">Button</a> You can replace the href attribute...
Contact Form doesn’t work If you see the “Done!” message when clicking on the Send Message button, that means that the scripts from the...
How to Upload Your Slides Website to WordPress With the Static Pages Plugin We created a WordPress plugin – Static Pages – that enables you to easily import and publish a static website...
Can I get the source code of the template? Can I host a template on my own hosting? When you subscribe to one of our apps, you get a license. You’ll be able to preview and export your...
Startup or Slides? Which One Should I Choose? These two products are built on different platforms. Startup is based on Bootstrap, which is good for developers familiar with...
How to Change the Fonts in an Exported Slides Template The Slides generator offers the following control that you can use to select the fonts that will be used on...
How to Add a Video Background to a Slides Template A video background can be used to enhance the aesthetics and overall branding of a website. When done right, it...
How to Add Anchor Links to Your Slides Template Sometimes, it’s useful to be able to jump to a particular part of a webpage. This is usually done by...
How to Add and Customize Icons on Your Slides Website The Slides website template makes use of various icons that you might want to customize according to your needs. We’ll...
How to Change the Logo on Your Slides Website The Slides template comes with a default logo which you should change to fit your brand. This article will show...
How to Add a Slide to an Exported Slides Template After exporting a Slides template, you can still add slides to it. The easiest way would be to go back...