• Can You Create a Website for Me?

    We should say that we don’t create custom websites for clients, we only make products, that could help you to create website by yourself. You can try our Startup or Slides products – they are both allow you to create websites with a cool design. You only need to have…

  • Why my website loads too slow?

    There are many reasons why the website might load longer than usual. Here are few of them: – hosting speed – the size of images (uncompressed, high resolution) – a number of images on the page – internet speed (local problem) You might need to turn off the preload of…

  • How to create a button?

    You can easily create a button with the following html code: <a href=”https://google.com” class=”button”>Button</a> You can replace the href attribute value with your URL or remove it, so the button will click, but no action will follow after. There are many other attributes you can add on top of that,…

  • How does Slides work?

    The Generator App is an online app that will export for you a ready-made template, that you can download to your computer to edit it after that. You can use your code editor to change text, images, and links, or use default one, embedded in the app. It is easy…

  • Do you provide hosting services?

    No, hosting is on you. Upload the final website to your hosting/server provider via FTP, or using other tools. You can use any server, just make sure it has PHP installed in case if you need a contact form.

  • Has Slides any E-commerce integrations?

    Slides can only provide you with the template, that you can integrate with any other platform you want, including e-commerce integrations. Unfortunately, we can’t suggest any specific E-commerce platform. But we assume, the easiest solution would be a PayPal, Shopify or Stripe button, cause it doesn’t require to use a backend…

  • How can I add my custom CSS?

    You can copy and paste the styles above into the custom.css file, which you can find in the css folder of your Slides project folder. And don’t forget to uncomment the custom.css script from the <head> section (or bottom, if you selected the Body Scripts option before the export).

  • Contact Form doesn’t work

    If you see the “Done!” message when clicking on the Send Message button, that means that the scripts from the front-end part work fine. There are two reasons why the contact page might not work. You didn’t add your email in the ajax-email.php file, which is located in the root…

  • Where can I get designer resources?

    You can download the Figma files from this link here: https://designmodo.com/slides/resources/ If you’re using Slides 3 – check these links: https://s3.amazonaws.com/designmodo/Slides_Design_Resources(Photoshop).zip https://s3.amazonaws.com/designmodo/Slides_Design_Resources(Sketch).zip

  • Migrating from Slides 4 to Slides 5

    The major issue would be the fonts and typography. It’s all manual work, unfortunately. I would suggest you make a reserve copy and start with simply replacing styles and scripts and styles. Then using the example – https://designmodo.com/slides/app/preview/example/typography/ you can pick the correct font size and replace all classes (huge,…