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Export the Postcards Email Template to SendPulse

Explore the seamless integration between the Postcards email builder and SendPulse by exporting your custom email templates.

In this tutorial, we’ll explore the simple process of exporting your email templates into your SendPulse account, ensuring your email campaigns maintain a consistent, professional look with minimal hassle.

We have released new email templates for SendPulse.

Video Tutorial

Steps to Follow

Step 1: Selecting Your Desired Template

Export the Postcards Email Template to SendPulse

Begin by selecting the newsletter template you wish to export. For this demonstration, we’ll double-click on the first option available. Once opened, you can customize the newsletter template to fit your brand’s aesthetic and message.

Step 2: Navigating to the Export Option

Navigating to the Export Option

After personalizing your template, hover over the “Export” option located at the top right corner of your screen and click on the dropdown menu that appears. From this menu, select “Integrations” to proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Choosing SendPulse Integration

Choosing SendPulse Integration

A pop-up window will appear showcasing various one-click integration options. For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll proceed with SendPulse. Click on “SendPulse” to move to the authentication process.

Step 4: Authenticating Your Account

Authenticating Your Account

Upon clicking SendPulse, another pop-up will prompt you for your account ID and secret. The “secret” is provided as a hyperlink.

Click on this hyperlink, and you’ll be directed to a screen where your account ID and secret are displayed.


Click the “copy” button next to the ID, then navigate back to the Postcards app and paste it into the ID field. Repeat this step for the secret.

ID field

If preferred, provide a name for this integration in the “Integration Name” field. This could be helpful for organizing multiple integrations.

Step 5: Finalizing the Connection

Click the “Connect” button to finalize the integration. A confirmation will appear, indicating that your template has been successfully imported into SendPulse.

Step 6: Accessing Your Imported Template

Accessing Your Imported Template

On the confirmation screen, a hyperlink will direct you to the templates page within SendPulse. Click on this link to view your imported newsletter. You’ll find it looks exactly as you designed it within Postcards.

SendPulse account

You are now free to use or further customize your template within your SendPulse account.

Conclusion: Simplified Email Template Export

As demonstrated, exporting your email templates into your SendPulse account using Postcards’ one-click integration is a straightforward process. Now, you’re well-equipped to manage and utilize your email templates for future campaigns. Thank you for following along, and look forward to more tutorials to enhance your email marketing strategies.

Updated on May 16, 2024
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